Cutting Down on Projects
March 09, 2015
It’s already been three weeks since school started. It seems like the year just started and we’re almost at the middle of month 3! I’ve reached a point where I can see how I can fit my classes into my work-life. It means I need to cut down on some projects.
I have this issue where I take on projects without thinking how it’ll impact my schedule. I get a little too excited when I hear about something I’m interested in, so I just say “yes” to take them. This has worked pretty well for a while, but now that school has started, it has really started to mess up things.
I’m putting school at a really high priority so the projects I’ve been working on don’t get as much attention as they should be. And in taking or starting new projects, the time for the projects gets further diluted.
As far as projects go, I’ll try not to start any new ones before I finish my current ones. As tempting as it is to dive into some new tech or work on an exciting idea, I think its best for me to just focus my efforts on one thing at a time.