
Steven Yang

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    Using Khan Academy

    February 28, 2015

    It’s the end of the second week of school for me. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I need to catch up a lot on Math. It’s been years since I’ve taken a formal math class. Even back then, I don’t think I did well with the subject. It was a combination of being lazy and not doing the homework and giving up too soon. Now in this new semester, I’m doing it again, except the right way this time.

    I learned about Khan Academy a few years ago. I tried it out a tad bit and I did like, but I never really continued with it since I was still in “don’t care” mode. Now, in 2015, I decided to give it a real chance because I really needed to catch up on the material. Woah. The site changed dramatically. It seems as though they added gamification to it which is a nice touch. I tend to go for any online medals no matter how trivial so this certainly helps with me using it.

    I often wish I could’ve tried harder back then in school. But it’s pointless to dwell on the past. Considering how my life’s been up until this point, it’s hard to imagine me wanting to change it. Yeah, yeah, it’s pretty cliche to say those things, but really, I feel as though I didn’t have any “wasted” years. I have and will always do things that make me happy. And I can gladly say I’ve lived an overall happy and stress-free life.